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Just adding to the crowd calling for a full deck of cards like this. There's so much you can do with both writing and mechanics, it feels like it might work as a way of "formalising" character relationships without being too strict and prescriptive!


Thanks, I really appreciate the support and feedback! I will certainly keep adding to this whenever I have the spoons. Your positivity helps :)


Whoa this is good!!!! And the POTENTIAL! I wonder, when you have more cards, about picking two or more per player to represent different aspects of their personality, varying the number of question you answer in each.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you! Yes, there's a lot of potential, and a lot of writing and even more editing to do to create a "full" set.

I love the idea of players choosing multiple cards -- after all, no person is ever just one thing or another.

Typically when I've seen Ask Left/Right questions in chargen you choose out of a list. I cut it down to two because (a) I was short on time, and (b) the card format restricted the amount of text. I mean, sure, I could trade design elements for more text, and maybe I'll rebalance on next iteration.

I'm always open to collaboration if anyone wants to make more of these!