A downloadable game

You're a cryptid.

For reasons, you must make it through a school day disguised as a student. You'll need both props and wits to blend in... and then get out!

"How was your day?"

"What's Popping, Fellow Kids" is for all the adults wondering: just what goes on at school all day? Take on the role of cringy outsider and let your kid set the scene -- just so you can chew it all up. Savor all the details you never hear about at dinner.

Here's just a few of the things I learned playing this game with my own kids:

  • Ms. [Redacted] spends a lot of class time reading at her desk.
  • Lunch is a battlefield. (OK, I already knew that -- but now I know the combatants.)
  • Yes, kids are still making paper noisemakers. And using them.

A simple game with simple mechanics

This isn't some campaign you grind for nine months -- that's called school. This is a quick, twenty-minute romp through your child's daily dungeon schedule. Resolve an entire scene with just a flip of a coin.

Go undercover. Get the intel. Get out.


What's Popping, Fellow Kids (pdf) 2.8 MB

Development log


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I would like help learning about my kid's school day! This looks like a fun and meaningful way to connect.

Please let me know how it goes and if this game is helpful! Personally I enjoyed testing the boundaries of what's "normal" and being not diametrically opposite but awkwardly "almost normal"." Don't forget to treat your kid as the GM and keep asking questions like, "so what do I see/hear/smell" and help them out if needed with questions like "so how does the teacher react when I let out a noxious cloud of gas?"


This is a fun and quick (to learn and play) that grown ups and kids can easily play together to learn about a day in the life of your kids or to just spend some time together.  I have a review here on TTRPGkids with more details, but, overall, it's a great game that we enjoyed playing!


Thanks for the playthrough and review, Steph! I know a lot of parents are mystified by what happens at school or just want more connection with their kids, and I hope this game can provide a peek into the everyday life of our children!